Workplace activation base-campaign
Invest in your workplace waste reduction by activating behaviour change around the use of single-use packaging. Up to a third of all waste that comes out of workplaces can be packaging waste associated with the coffees and lunches that your team bring onsite. It’s a hard road changing behaviours, so we have developed many tools to nudge your team’s actions.
This is an overview page. If you choose to purchase the package, high resolution files will be provided.
Total cost $400 +gst, and cover the cost of the hot drinks.
Common area poster - generic, with FREE drinks promotion
Common area poster - generic, without FREE drinks promotion
Internal comms
This is a seven week campaign. It is to begin one week prior to launch, and then covers the six weeks following, including a wrap up at the end.
Each week has an EDM insert, and a social post.
Copy has been written, but we advise that your communications team use this as a base, and customerise it for tone/local appropriateness.
After week 1, usage data will need to be inserted and can be accessed from the reports that will be sent to you. Some images many need customisation with this data as well.
Custom referral code
Shout your team a FREE hot drink, in app, the first time they borrow a cup. We can provide you with a customised referral code that you can give to your team to incentivise them to download the app and get started. “Something in it for me” is a strong motivator for changing behaviours, and this is an economical way to engage your team.
This is a requirement if you also want to receive campaign data, as the aggregated data is linked to this promotion.
Campaign data reporting
Impact report and data visualisation.
Includes waste reduction volumes, total people activated, and impact report for the period of the campaign.
This data links into the social media tiles.