Information for district & city councils
Returnable packaging in your region
8-minute overview: How Again Again works, and how your council can support the establishment of a returnable packaging system in your region.
Waste issues are pervasive. The pressure is on to reduce waste to landfill, and legislation is pending that will see outright bans and polluter pays penalties come into action. The spotlight is–quite rightly–on single-use packaging as this makes up 1/3rd of plastic waste, and 1/2 of ocean litter.
With Again Again’s open technology platform, it is super simple for the public to use their phones, like library cards, to access the returnable containers that you offer them. It’s free for them unless they don’t return the containers in a timely manner. It’s cost effective for the vendors too - cheaper than single-use packaging.
Your council can use Again Again’s platform to enable circular management of returnable packaging in your region. Notably, you are well placed to support human resources in your region to activate behaviour change on the ground. The subsidisation of containers is a reasonable investment for councils to consider now that Again Again’s platform protects and assures this investment.