In 28 April 2020, we received notification from the Ministry of Health that cafes can use the Again Again system, provided that Food Safety risks are managed. The workflow below meets the New Zealand Food Regulations 2015, and is therefore approved.


sanitary issuing, collection & processing of Again Again cups & lids

Best practice workflow

As a hospitality outlet, your Food Control Plan already covers safe and sanitary handling of ‘Food Accessories’, a definition which covers the Again Again cups and lids.

Providing that your cafe is handling Again Again cups and lids comparably to handling crockery and in line with your Food Control Plan, you got this.

Post COVID-19 Again Again is recommending small changes to workflow to ensure that your customers and your staff stay safe.

  • Collect returned cups at a drop point away from the counter

  • Issue a newly sanitised cup and a new sleeve for each serve

  • If a cash refund is due, follow guidelines with regards cash handling. Contactless, digital transactions are ideal.

safe drop off


Safe set up

  • Sanitise all fleet (cups and lids) prior to use

  • Store the fleet behind the counter if possible.

  • Alternatively, if storing on top of the coffee machine, indicate a no-stand area in front of the machine to ensure customers stay 1m from the counter and from fleet.

  • Set up a drop point for receiving returned cups (see below)

  • Use signage to clearly communicate your plan (see below)



Refer to your Food Control Plan for details of your own sanitary systems.
Ensure that you are following guidelines for heightened food safety standards, as outlined by MPI and New Zealand Food Safety.

A reminder to give extra attention to:

  • Regular hand washing, and avoid touching your face

  • Regularly sanitising and wiping surfaces

  • Maintaining physical distancing

  • Don’t come to work if you are sick



Set up a drop point

You already follow best practice when it comes to staff and food safety. We want to help you follow best practice for collecting and re-issuing Again Again cups. For a circular system to work, all parts of that cycle must be functioning.

For safe collection and processing you will need to:

  • Set up a drop point well away from the counter.

  • We recommend using a drop-off container that can be easily cleaned and dried. A plastic basket or crate that can be washed in your commercial dishwasher is ideal.

  • Clearly label the drop point. We recommend using posters that we have prepared for this. Download these below.

  • Collect the drop-off container when it’s full and replace it with a fresh one.

  • Sanitise the cups and lids, as you do for crockery, and in line with your Food Control Plan.

  • Rinse and repeat.



Communicate clearly

We have prepared a range of graphics to be used as signs for your in-store Again Again cup drop points. You can print them out and use them as is, or if you would like to design your own posters & social media collateral, we are happy to make the design assets (illustrations) available to you.


In-store posters

Click on images to download.

POSTER - Print up to A4

POSTER - Print up to A4

POSTER - Print up to A4

POSTER - Print up to A4

POSTER - Print up to A4

POSTER - Print up to A4