Platform plans
The plan you will be on is dictated by the containers you choose to utilise. The costs are the same, but if you choose to use containers other than Again Again ones, we set a minimum monthly charge per location.
This is done to share the risk of end-user uptake. If you are investing in a returnable packaging system for your brand, so too must you make a commitment to your customer’s behaviour change. Provided that there is good uptake, this minimum will not impact the cost per serve.
Classic plan
Again Again’s classic cups can still be traded using the cash deposit model. Our experience is that the cup losses make this quite an expensive system to maintain. As such, we really encourage you to use the platform plans instead. Empowering your customers to use the app will be your most economical option.
However, there is a place for the cash model, and it is for vendors who are choosing to get rid of single-use packaging altogether. In this case, you still need the option to ensure that you can sell your coffee and food to every potential customer, and a low-deposit model will facilitate this.
Our experience is that cafes that have ditched single-use cups entirely do really well with the system. You will need to access high volumes of cups at a cost-neutral price ($4 incl gst), and for this volume access, we charge an associated moderately high monthly subscription. Note that at such high usage the monthly fees will likely still be significantly cheaper than single-use cups at volume.