Changing behaviours.

changing peoples behaviours is hard!

Some people do it because it is the right thing to do…
But Money always DRIVES change harder. And people can’t choose something that’s not on offer.

Below, we have two campaigns that we would encourage you to consider implementing in your cafe to really make your customers think about their choices.

Driving customer uptake does two things - it creates waaaay more impact, and it drives the financial return for your investment in the Again Again system.



Campaign One:

Money talks!
Borrow or Buy

WHACK A CHARGE ON THE SINGLE-USE CUPS We suggest a minimum of 30c, but 50c is even better.There is a wealth of evidence* from overseas that the introduction of a surcharge on disposable cups will dramatically reduce customer’s use of reusables where…

We suggest a minimum of 30c, but 50c is even better.

There is a wealth of evidence* from overseas that the introduction of a surcharge on disposable cups will dramatically reduce customer’s use of reusables where they would have taken a disposable cup.

Conversely however, a discount of the same value to reward customers using reusables has little impact.

Locally, just look at how quickly plastic bag-free has become normal in NZ supermarkets! If your customers want a free option, Again Again cups are there for their convenience (and cost-savings). And you can either bank the extra cup revenue or donate it to an environmental charity of your choice (kudos attached!).

You might lose a few coffee sales, but the numbers more than stack up…

Campaign Two:

Better options!
Borrow or Sit

JUST GET RID OF SINGLE USE CUPS ALTOGETHER Zip. Nada. 100%. Gone.Yep - there it is in black and white.Arghhhh! - we hear you cry. We’d lose coffee sales! Ridiculous!Please bear with us. Even if you do lose some sales, you’d need to lose loads and lo…

Zip. Nada. 100%. Gone.

Yep - there it is in black and white.

Arghhhh! - we hear you cry. We’d lose coffee sales! Ridiculous!

Please bear with us. Even if you do lose some sales, you’d need to lose loads and loads before this adds up to more than the huge savings you will make on single-use cups that you no longer purchase. True story. Check out the numbers.

The experience of cafes who have done it is that far fewer people walk out then they had expected. We now have about 15 cafes who have taken the plunge and for the most part their experience has been great!

Go on… be bold.



The evidence:

* Rapid Review of Charging for Disposable Coffee Cups and other Waste Minimisation Measure: Full Report
Disposable Packaging: Coffee Cups
* Single-Use Items Reduction: Disposable Cups


The suggestions above do not constitute business advise. No responsibility will be taken for real or perceived outcomes of you choosing to implement either campaign.