Again Again Premium Cups & Lids, Large – Fleet pack of 14

Again Again Premium Cups & Lids, Large – Fleet pack of 14
from $322.00
Unit prices
Large 355ml
Retail price: $25 incl gst
Contract price: $20 +gst
A premium drinking experience. These stunning double-walled cups provide insulation, keeping a drink hot for the duration. They are purpose-designed for public reuse systems, by Australian company, Returnr. Internal markings are visible for multiple standard drinks sizes.
A low-profile silicone, push-fit lid provides utility for drinkers. Importantly, these also provide ease of sanitisation for vendor partners. There are no moving parts to collect milk solids.
Sleeves are not required. Lids included.
Container comparison
Container | Volume | Fleet pack, units |
RETAIL per unit (Includes GST) |
CONTRACT Price per unit (Plus GST) |
Premium Regular | 240ml | 14 | $25 | $18 |
Premium Large | 355ml | 14 | $25 | $20 |